Friday, February 23, 2007

Jesus loves the little children.

I recently purchased this book - The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name and I cannot recommend it highly enough. To date, it has been difficult to find an adequate children's bible that effectively communicates the unfolding biblical narrative to children. What you generally get, as you do in most Sunday School curricula, is a series of stories about admirable people with lessons attached - "so and so obeyed God and good things happened for him and you should obey God so good things will happen to you too." That is not how the Bible, in all its historically embedded intensity and strife, presents itself, nor how it is to be read. This book evocatively captures the unfolding drama of humanity's and, in fact, all creation's, God wrought redemption, all while pointing ahead and anticipating the Redeemer's arrival; and it does so for children. My recommendation is not only for children however. Because this book so well captures the simplicity and wonder of the gospel through the Bible, so that even a child can understand it, it would benefit anyone to read it. Here's what 8-year old Ashley had to say concerning its artwork: "I love the illustrations. They're really good." This is an exceptional work. Well done Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago.

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